It is very important for you to keep your hamster’s weight in check for the sake of its overall health.

A hamster that is too fat can develop all sorts of terrible health issues.

The more you know about what your hamster’s weight should be, the easier it will be to care for them.

Average Hamster Weight

First, you will need to know what your hamster’s weight should be. There are lots of different hamster species, and each one has a different ideal size.

  • Roborovski Dwarf: This type of dwarf hamster should be anywhere from 1 to 1.5 ounces or 25 to 40 grams.
  • Russian Siberian: A Siberian Dwarf hamster should weigh 1.5 to 2 ounces or 40 to 60 grams.
  • Chinese Dwarf: A Chinese Dwarf hamster’s average weight of 1.5 to 1.8 ounces or 40 to 50 grams.

Getting a Scale

It is a good idea to have a scale in your home that you can use to weigh your hamster once in a while. You can get a scale that is designed for weighing food with a digital display. This will give you a fast and accurate way to determine your pet’s weight.

You should be able to find a scale that is suitable for weighing hamsters at your local grocery store. There are lots of these scales on the market, so you’ll want to make a point of choosing one that is very reliable. Spend some time looking through your options online.

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Weighing Your Hamster

When it comes time to weigh your hamster, there are a few things you will need to keep in mind. One of the most difficult things about doing this is getting your rodent friend to sit still. You can try giving them some delicious treat to munch on while you do this.

Another option you will have is to place your hamster in a small container on the surface of the scale. Just make sure that you subtract the weight of the container from the total weight that shows up on the scale’s display.

Tracking Your Hamster’s Weight

You should make a point of weighing your hamster once every 2-3 months. Make sure that you write down their weight each time so you can keep track of it. If you find that your hamster is gaining weight, you’ll need to take action immediately.

There are a number of reasons that your hamster might be getting fatter. If they have suddenly become lethargic and aren’t exercising as much, weight gain will most likely occur. It is important that you take them to the vet to get looked at right away.

How to Maintain Your Hamster’s Weight

If you want to keep your hamster healthy over the course of its life, it is crucial that you do whatever possible to maintain a normal weight. There are a number of ways to do this that you should know about.

1. Keep them on a Healthy Diet

It’s absolutely crucial that you keep your hamster on a healthy daily diet. You’ll need to give them food that is packed with nutrients and high in protein. It should also have high quality ingredients.

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If you are not sure whether or not the food you are giving your hamster is meeting their nutritional needs, you should consult your vet. A hamster that is being fed sub-standard food can gain weight quite rapidly.

A high-quality pelleted diet and/or loose seed mix is ideal for hamsters. Take the time to look into some of your hamster food options so you choose the right one. You’ll also want to look at the label on each product to see what all of the ingredients are.

2. Choose the right Foods for Snacks

It is okay to give your hamster the occasional snack or treat, but you need to choose the right foods. Some of the most nutritious foods to give your pet include strawberries, beets, pumpkin, broccoli, hazelnuts, grapes and melons.

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3. Portion Control

If you have an overweight hamster, you’ll want to cut their meal portions by about twenty five percent, at least for a while. This will help to get your rodent friend down to a healthy weight as quickly as possible.

4. Put in an Exercise Wheel

It’s also a good idea to put an exercise wheel in your hamster’s cage. This will provide them with a great way to get exercise and stay fit. These animals love running on a wheel, and it will provide them with mental stimulation. Take the time to find a wheel that is appropriate for your hamster’s size.

 5. Monitor Your Hamster’s Hoarding

It is perfectly normal for hamsters to hoard food, but you need to pay attention to how much they are hoarding. You don’t want to keep refilling their food bowl if they already have enough food stored away in their cage.

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6. Outside-of-the-cage Exercise

Another good way to provide your hamster with fat-burning exercise is to put them in a large ball and let them roll around the house. Just make sure that your hamster doesn’t accidentally go down a flight of stairs.


  • It is important to consider the average weight of your hamster, as each species is different.
  • You’ll want to have a scale for measuring your hamster every couple of months. You can get a scale that is designed for weighing food.
  • You can put your hamster in a small container on the scale when weighing them. This will keep them on the scale long enough to get an accurate reading.
  • Your hamster needs to get exercise on a regular basis to maintain a healthy weight.
  • An exercise wheel is an essential part of any hamster’s habitat, so you need to make sure they have one to use on a daily basis.
  • You can also put your hamster in a ball and let them roll around the house to get some exercise.
  • Feed your hamster a balanced and nutritious diet each day to ensure a healthy weight over the long term.
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Hi! I'm Anna and I´m a certified cynologist (KAU, ACW). Expert, blue cross volunteer, owner of Chinese crested kennel "Salvador Dali" and breedless friend called Fenya. "I can't imagine my life without dogs and I totally support the idea #AdoptDontShop".