Although your mouse friend is tiny and cute, that does not mean that their expenses are tiny.

But if you budget correctly and shop around, you can reduce the amount of money you spend on your mouse. There are two types of costs for your mouse: monthly costs and one-time costs.

One time costs

The total cost of one-time purchases can vary depending on how much supplies you already have. To keep your mouse happy and healthy, you will need the following items:

  • A cage with proper ventilation that will prevent the mouse from escaping
  • A food bowl with rims that are small enough for a mouse to lean over so they can eat the food – $10
  • A water bottle and spout that can be hung on the cage wall – $15
  • A hidey-hole/bed so they can sleep soundly and retreat to, and they are scared or frightened.

The cost of each of these one-time purchases depends on their quality and size. 

1. The Cage

The size of the cage that you purchased where mouse depends on how many toys you want to add and the level of activity you want your mouse to get. Cages for mice come in a wide variety of materials and purposes. You can purchase cages that are vertical and have a lot of steps and ramps. There are also wide cages which are multi-leveled. The most common cage materials are plastic, glass, and wire. A decent cage that is built for two mice is around $35 to $50.

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2. A hidey-hole or a bed

Mice are small creatures that are angry need to act like prey. Because of their prey mentality, they need lots of places to hide in case they are frightened or startled by a large noise. You must have a hidey-hole or a bed that is covered up so the mouse has somewhere it can run to if it is scared.

3. Discount one-time purchases

If the costs of these purchases are mounting, but you still want to care for and love a mouse, there are many places where you can get supplies for cheap.

One great place discount for mice supplies is Craigslist. You can either go to the sale section and choose pets or go to the free section. If you can find something worthwhile, make sure to wash it thoroughly. If you discover that the item you brought back has fleas, submerge the item in hot water. Leave it there for about an hour

Another great app to find cheap nail supplies is one of those yard sale apps like let-go. If you use this app or a similar one, take precautions when meeting someone to purchase the supplies. Always take a friend with you or meet them in an open area.

pet mouse in cage 1

Monthly costs

1. Food and water

Healthy and happy mice depend on a healthy diet of pellets, fruits, vegetables, and protein. When you purchase pellets for your mouse, the pellets should not have excessive amounts of preservatives and additives. Since you have a pet mouse and not a scavenger mouse, their stomach lining is very sensitive, and they cannot eat too many chemicals in their food. 

  Can Pet Mice Get Fleas?

For the rest of the mouse’s diet, it is important to keep the food on a rotation. Do not see feed them the same foods every day. Give them a combination of spinach and strawberries or Great Sand broccoli. If you purchase vegetables that you usually eat yourself and share them with your mouse, then there won’t be any waste.

 2. Cage Bedding 

There two types of bedding a mouse needs. The first type of bedding is the one that goes on the cage floor. Mice were meant to live in forests and in farms. Their little paws can easily walk over grass, Moss, algae, and anything else you find in the forest. So not coding the bottom of your mouse’s cage with something soft like cage bedding can severely Ruth their feet. They were not meant to run and scramble over cold plastic floors. The best type of cage bedding is one that is soft, doesn’t have many chemical preservatives, and does not affect the respiratory system at all. The materials for cage bedding are shavings like Pine or Cedar, Aspen, maple, or paper bedding like shredded paper. Not only does the bedding make your mouse’s cage more livable, but it also catches any urine or feces that it makes.

The average cost for a package of cage bedding is 5 to $10. 

3. Mouse insurance

Just like humans, there is insurance for your mouse, so it can be covered in case they get sick. Purchasing the insurance also protects you from being found with a high bill.

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And just like human insurance, pet insurance has a wide variety of services you can choose from some of these Services include 24/7 hotline you can call if you are worried about the symptoms of your animal, two of my pets will be covered for a discount, use any veterinarian, pregnancy coverage, and death and burial.

The more services you want, the higher your insurance rate will be. Some pet insurance can come out to over $150 a month while the cheapest plan can start at $8.

So, in total, if you buy decent quality items that will last a few years, the average supply for a mouse will be about $ 150. If you want only the highest quality bedding, pellets, and magnificent kids, it can easily cost up to $300.


  • Mice need a variety of objects so they can be healthy, happy, and stay mentally stimulated.
  • The pellets that mice cannot have a lot of preservatives or additives as the stomach lining will become inflamed, and they’ll be in pain.
  • Mice and hamster supplies can be found on Craiglist or letgo for cheap.
  • Mice drink their water from a water bottle and spout that is tied to the cage. 
  • Bedding and Hidey holes protect mice and keep them safe and hidden from large animals.
  • Pet insurance can prevent you from receiving a massive bill after treatment
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Hi! I'm Anna and I´m a certified cynologist (KAU, ACW). Expert, blue cross volunteer, owner of Chinese crested kennel "Salvador Dali" and breedless friend called Fenya. "I can't imagine my life without dogs and I totally support the idea #AdoptDontShop".