If your dog is coughing up white foam, you are probably concerned, and rightfully so. This can indicate a number…
Vomiting is a common sign you should be very careful with. Certain colors of vomit can even point to specific…
If you have recently adopted an aggressive dog, it is important that you know when to say goodbye and let…
Being a college student can be tremendously stressful and mentally taxing, to say the least. Studies have shown that having…
If you are looking for the very best behaved dog to get, there are lots of different breeds to choose…
When it comes to giving your dog any human food, you don’t want to take any chances. It is important…
Dogs can exhibit all manner of strange behaviors, including walking backward. If your dog is doing this, there is a…
While you might not think of your dog as having a belly button, there are certain things about their anatomy…
While it is normal for dogs to lick their butts, there are numerous possible reasons for this behavior. It is…
Plastic and dogs don’t go well together at all. If ingested, this material can actually cause your dog a lot…
Dogs love to eat things that they know are off-limits, including personal hygiene products. If your dog ever eats one…
Ant traps are generally effective at putting a stop to your pesky insect problem, but they can be toxic to…
If you have noticed a black spot on your dog’s tongue, it is important that you get some information before…
If your dog has managed to eat any amount of soap, there are several key things you’ll need to know. …
Those who have both cats and dogs should expect that their pets will eventually try eating each other’s food at…
If your dog is panting a lot at night, there is a reason for it. There are numerous possible explanations…
The majority of people clean after their dogs in the streets so they pay attention to the color of their…
If your dog is constantly peeing, you’ll need to get down to the bottom of it. There are multiple explanations…
Some people find dogs humping behavior cute or funny. While this might be extremely funny in the movies, if your…
Dogs can get an upset stomach just like people, and it is important that you know what to give yours…
It is not normal for any animal constantly bite its tail. It is especially not good if their tail starts…
Having a dog can mean having to deal with all sorts of unpleasant smells in your home. Fortunately, there are…
There are a variety of skin conditions that a dog can develop throughout its life. Having a small crusty scab is…
Very often, dog owners have a question about the safety of certain foods. Let’s put the situation that you and…