There are certain human foods that dogs can eat and others they cannot. Jalapenos are common human food you can find it fresh or in pizza toppings. Sometimes pet owners are just curious how their dog would react to such a spicy thing, and sometimes dogs accidentally eat the jalapeno.

Some fruits and vegetables are healthy for dogs and can take part in their daily diet. But is spicy pepper is one of them? Can dogs eat jalapenos and is it safe for our canine friends?

Jalapenos are not toxic for the dog and if your pup has eaten accidentally a piece there is no reason to panic and bring him to the vet. But it is definitely not a good food to feed your furry friend on daily basis. Make sure that your dog has enough water to drink after the pepper.

Learn more about different kinds of peppers and spice food for your dog in the article below.

Can Dogs Have Spicy Foods?

A lot of spicy foods can cause issues with a dog’s digestive system. This is partly because these animals are not accustomed to eating such foods. Some of these foods can affect certain dogs more than others. Even a lot of people have a negative reaction to them. It largely comes down to the individual.

Most dogs won’t react poorly to the powerful taste of jalapenos and other spicy peppers as they are chewing them. This is due to the fact that these animals have only 1,700 taste buds. Just so you have some perspective, humans have about 9,000 taste buds. This means that your dog is unlikely to find the spiciness of the pepper off-putting.

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Health Benefits of Jalapenos

There are quite a few health benefits associated with Jalapenos for both humans and dogs that you’ll want to know about, including:

  • Vitamins and minerals: These peppers have lots of vitamins K, A C, and B6 in them. There is also a good amount of manganese, folate and even fiber.
  • Antioxidants: The powerful antioxidant properties of jalapeno peppers can help to strengthen the immune system. This protects against illness rather effectively.
  • Pain relief: This particular food even has the potential to relieve pain by blocking certain receptors in the brain. While this effect is only temporary, it can be highly beneficial for people and animals.
  • Prevent stomach ulcers: There is also a good amount of evidence that eating jalapenos can aid in the prevention of stomach ulcers. This is something that both people and dogs can develop over time.
  • Heart health: Eating peppers like jalapenos is also good for one’s heart health.
dog wants food

Are Jalapenos Toxic to Dogs?

It is important to keep in mind that jalapeno peppers do not contain any properties that are toxic to dogs. This means that they aren’t essentially poison to these animals as chocolate and other foods. But just because food isn’t toxic to your dog doesn’t mean that they should be given it in any quantity because it can harm your pup, and cause stomach pain or allergy.

What to do if your Dog Eats Jalapenos

If notice your dog eating any jalapeno peppers, it is important that you watch them closely for the next eight hours or so. You don’t have to induce vomiting or take them to an emergency vet clinic. It is, however, a good idea to look out for signs of an adverse reaction.

Some of the things you’ll want to look for include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Coughing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Changes in the appearance of stool
  • Stomach pain
  • Dehydration (excessive thirst)

If your dog keeps throwing up or is having problems breathing, you’ll need to get them medical attention right away. These are both signs of a severe negative reaction that could be fatal.

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You might also want to consider giving them some food to soothe their stomach, even if they are not yet showing signs of gastrointestinal upset. You can give them some boiled chicken with a little bit of cooked rice. This can help to reduce any nausea, vomiting or diarrhea they might experience.

dog waiting for food

Should I give my Dog Jalapenos?

You’ll definitely want to consider the possibility of a negative reaction before giving your dog any jalapenos. While this food does have quite a bit of nutritional value, it also has the potential to cause significant problems with their stomach.

The fact is that some dogs handle jalapeno peppers better than others, but it’s always a risk. It is generally better to err on the side of caution and not let them have any at all. 

If you do decide to give your dog these peppers, monitor them closely for the next several hours. You’ll want to know if they start to react to this food poorly. If they exhibit any symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea or nausea (lack of appetite), you shouldn’t give them this food again. Give them a tiny piece of jalapeno and see how they react.

It is not a good idea to give your dog jalapenos if you know they have a very sensitive stomach. This makes a negative reaction to the food almost certain. There is a very good chance that it will cause them a high degree of discomfort.

Are Any Peppers Safe for Dogs?

Bell peppers are generally considered to be very safe for dogs to have. They don’t usually cause gastrointestinal upset with these animals like jalapenos. It is, however, still a good idea to give it to your dog in moderation. Too much of any human food can have negative effects on your dog’s health. 

You should only give them a small piece of bell pepper (sweet pepper), especially if they have never had it before. There is still a possibility that they will have a negative reaction of some kind, so keep a close watch on them afterward.

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  • Jalapeno peppers are packed with vitamins and minerals that offer health benefits to both humans and animals.
  • These peppers have also been known to help with reducing pain and even preventing stomach ulcers.
  • While jalapenos are not inherently toxic to dogs like some other human foods, they can cause them quite a bit of discomfort.
  • If your dog ingests any of this pepper, you should keep a close eye on them for at least the next eight hours.
  • Some of the most common signs of a negative reaction to this food include vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea.
  • If you notice repeated vomiting or problems breathing with your dog, get the medical attention right away.
  • Bell peppers make for a much safer treat that most dogs don’t have a negative reaction to.
  • If you decide to give your dog jalapenos, only let them have a very small piece to start.
  • It is generally not recommended that dogs are fed this pepper because of the potential for gastrointestinal/stomach upset.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can dogs eat mild jalapenos?

Any kind of jalapeno or any other spicy food in general can cause diarrhea and other stomach problems for your dog. Better to avoid not only all kinds of jalapenos but all kinds of spicy peppers even the mild ones.

Are dogs allowed cooked pepper?

We suggest that you only feed the dog with good quality dog food, but there is no problem if your pup eats a bit of row or cooked pepper. Be aware that black pepper or jalapeno can cause diarrhea or other stomach problems.

Can pickeled jalapeno make a dog sick?

Yes. Pickled jalapeno can cause vomiting, stomach cramps or direrehhea because spicy food is not good for dogs. Picked vegetables can also contain salt and spices that can affect your dog’s health.

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Hi! I'm Anna and I´m a certified cynologist (KAU, ACW). Expert, blue cross volunteer, owner of Chinese crested kennel "Salvador Dali" and breedless friend called Fenya. "I can't imagine my life without dogs and I totally support the idea #AdoptDontShop".