The Owl Finch is a unique-looking bird that has a strong reputation for being extremely social.

Its chattering vocalizations make it quite noisy but charming nonetheless.

This is definitely one of the more popular small birds to keep as pets.


This bird has a subtle but beautiful combination of dark and light colors. It has a grey beak, white face with black bordering, light grey back, and black wings with white spots. The white belly is contrasted with a solid black tail. It can grow up to four inches long with a maximum weight of about 17 grams.

Owl Finch Lifespan

Most owl finches live anywhere from 5 to 9 years, though some of them can live up to 12 years. There have been reports of these birds living as long as 14 years, though it is fairly uncommon. These birds can start breeding once they have reached six months old, though experts recommend waiting until nine months to start breeding them.

Owl Finch Personality

The Owl finch is definitely one of the most social birds on the planet. It loves to fly around and be playful in many different ways. These birds are a great source of companionship and entertainment. They tend to have fairly quirky personalities, which inevitably results in amusing behaviors of all kinds.

You can hold an owl finch for a little while, but it will probably become restless after a short period of time. It is best to admire them from a distance most of the time. Keep in mind that males can act very aggressively towards other males when a female is around.

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These birds are also very curious by nature. This is precisely why you will notice them thoroughly inspect anything new that you put in their enclosure. This is basically them adjusting to a change that has been made.

While these birds do not sing very often, their songs are quite nice and melodic when they do vocalize. It is a soft and repetitive sound that isn’t very grating at all.

several own finches eating from ground

Natural Habitat

The Owl Finch is naturally found in Australia, specifically woodland, scrubland, and grassland areas. It is also commonly seen in parks throughout this continent.

Owl Finch Care Guide

1. Diet

You will need to give your owl finch a diet that consists of sprouted seeds, cuttlebone, egg food, spinach, chickweed, and broccoli tops. These birds also love mealworms, which make for an excellent occasional treat. Oyster shells are a good source of calcium and will help to keep your bird healthy over the years.

A high-quality seed/pellet food that is formulated for finches is best for this bird. This will make up a major of their diet, as it provides them with most of what they need. Because these birds are prone to obesity, you need to limit the number of treats you give them. Excess weight can quickly become a serious threat to their overall health.

2. Environment

Owl finches are very active birds, so they need to be kept in large enclosures where they have lots of room to fly around back and forth. You should also provide your bird with wood branches they can perch on. Their cage should measure at least 2 by 3 feet, though it should ideally be larger than that. Keep in mind that egg binding can become an issue if these birds are not able to get enough exercise on a daily basis.

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A wicker nest basket is a required component of this bird’s living space, so you will need to keep that in mind. Make sure that you also throw in some nesting material, such as dry grass. This will make your bird feel right at home. You should put paper substrates on the floor of the cage. You’ll need to make a point of changing it each day to keep their cage clean and hygienic.

When your bird is indoors, the ambient temperature should always be higher than 65 degrees Fahrenheit. It is important to keep them in a heated shelter during the colder months of the year. This will ensure that your bird stays healthy and lives as long as possible.

owl finch sitting on ground

3. Common Health Problems

The Owl Finch is prone to many of the same conditions and ailments that other birds are, including egg binding, scaly face, and the air sac mite. These are all very common issues with finches in general.

Scaly face typically presents as white scaly patches around the bird’s eyes and beak. This is something that you’ll want to keep an eye out for, as it can become quite serious very quickly. If you notice this, you should get your bird to the vet right away.

4. Owl Finch Grooming

Because finches tend to have problems with overgrown nails and beaks, you will need to stay on top of the trimming. You will be able to get this done by your veterinarian or a groomer. If you choose to take your bird to a groomer, you’ll need to confirm that they have experience with birds. This will help to ensure the best possible results for the money you spend on these services.

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  • The Owl Finch is a small bird that can be quite colorful.
  • The average lifespan of this bird is 5 to 9 years, though they can live longer if they are well taken care of.
  • These birds are very social and love to fly around, which is why it is so important to provide them with a large cage.
  • You should be able to hold this bird for a little while before it starts getting fidgety.
  • The minimum size for an Owl Finch cage is two by three feet, though you should consider getting one that is even a bit bigger.
  • The diet of this bird should consist mostly of a high quality pellet/seed mix.
  • Some of the other foods you can give these birds include sprouted seeds, egg food, spinach, and oyster shells.
  • Scaly face is a condition that affects many owl finches, so you will want to keep an eye out for signs of it in your bird.
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