
Anna Liutko

Hi! I'm Anna and I´m a certified cynologist (KAU, ACW). Expert, blue cross volunteer, owner of Chinese crested kennel "Salvador Dali" and breedless friend called Fenya. "I can't imagine my life without dogs and I totally support the idea #AdoptDontShop".

There are certain human foods that dogs can eat and others they cannot. Jalapenos are common human food you can find it fresh or in pizza toppings. Sometimes pet owners are just curious how their dog would react to such a spicy thing, and sometimes…

Anoles are one of the most interesting lizards! Of the hundreds of varieties of lizards, the green anoles are the most favored by herp-enthusiasts who are looking to breed them. Anoles can be easy to breed if you provide the right condition for them. What are…

It is very possible for cats and birds to coexist peacefully, and even communicate with each other to some degree. If you have both of these animals in your home, you’ll want to learn everything you can about how they interact. Deciphering Communication Between Cats…

If you want to know how old your bird is, there are a number of factors that you will need to look at. While this can be a bit tricky, it is very possible when you know what to do. Learning how old your bird…

If you’re a pet bird lover, you know that there are many important factors to consider when choosing a new bird. One of the most important decisions is figuring out which type of specie will be the best fit for your lifestyle and personality. If…

If you live in an apartment and want to buy a bird, there will definitely be some options that are better than others. The more you learn about these birds, the easier it will be to make the best possible decision. You don’t want to…

Before you go ahead and decide to adopt a bird, there are going to be certain things that you will need to consider. The more cautious you are about doing this, the more likely you will be to get all of your needs met without…

There are some parrot species that are more colorful than others. If you are interested in getting one of these birds, it is important that you make a point of seeing what your options are like. Each of these parrots has something different to offer…

Cuttlebone is a great food to give your bird, as it has lots of nutritional value and offers other benefits. If you have an exotic bird at home or want to buy one, it is important that you learn about cuttlebone. What Exactly is Cuttlebone?…

Budgerigars are among the most popular pet birds in the world, and there are a number of mutations. The Feather Duster budgie is a very rare mutation that is quite fascinating for a number of reasons. If you are thinking about getting your own budgie,…

The Orange Winged Amazon Parrot is among the most common Amazonian breeds, and it makes for an excellent pet. This bird has a very sweet personality and can provide you with years of loyal feathery companionship. There are, however, a number of things you’ll want…

There are a number of different things that can frighten your pet bird, and it is important that you are aware of them. The more you learn about these things, the easier it will be to keep your pet calm. How can I tell if…

There are a number of different bird species that will dance if you play the right music. This is just proof that music can have an effect on all animals and not just humans. You might be surprised and interested to learn why these particular…

There is no question that parakeets are very intelligent birds. This is just one of the many reasons that they make for great pets. You can count on your parakeet to provide you with endless hours of entertainment, affection, and companionship. They are some of…

The Owl Finch is a unique-looking bird that has a strong reputation for being extremely social. Its chattering vocalizations make it quite noisy but charming nonetheless. This is definitely one of the more popular small birds to keep as pets. Appearance This bird has a…

Budgies make a variety of sounds as a way of expressing their different moods and desires. In fact, they are some of the most vocal birds in the entire world. If you own budgies or want to get one, you’ll definitely want to learn about…

If you are interested in getting a small pet bird that can talk, there are many options to consider. Each of these birds has something different to offer, and they are worth learning more about.  Small & Medium Pet Birds That Can Talk 1. Parrotlet…

While people don’t typically think of parrots as being service animals, they can be quite useful in this role. If you are in need of a service animal, you should consider getting one of these birds. A parrot makes for an excellent overall companion for…

Finches and canaries are both very popular pet birds, but there are many differences between them. If you are trying to make up your mind, it will help to learn about each one. In this article we will explore what makes each of these birds…

Cockatiels are very intelligent birds that are highly trainable. They can do all sorts of tricks, which makes for endless hours of entertainment and amusement. If you have one of these birds, you’ll want to know how to go about training them. The more of…

If you have never owned a bird before, there are some options that are better than others. It is important that you choose carefully so you don’t get in over your head. The more you learn about these options, the easier it will be to…

Do you fancy the idea of having a slithery companion as your pet? Rosy Boa, the non-venomous snake native to America Southwest, can be a great choice. If you plan to raise these small snake species as your pet, then consider reading through this care…

Some dogs are quiet and would rather whine or whimper. Yet some others bark but very rarely. And sometimes, your healthy, barking dog stops barking altogether or a puppy grows up without barking into an adult, retaining the quiet nature. Though in most of the…

Now, who doesn’t want to treat their puppy dog? It gives both of you satisfaction and is a fun activity to indulge in together! But is ice cream safe for your puppy? Well, it depends on many things. Most importantly, it depends on the age…

Dogs are canines, the species famous for their canine teeth, obviously. The purpose of the canine teeth is to tear and grip flesh. With these missing, along with other teeth required for chewing and crushing their food, dogs will find it impossible to consume food.…

The right dog repellent can help you train your canine companion effectively. If you want to put a stop to its incessant barking, citronella is worth looking into. There are a lot of different repellent substances, but this one is something special. What Exactly is…

Bonded pair dogs need to be kept together, which is important to know if you plan to adopt. Taking one dog but not the other can do irreversible psychological damage to both animals. You will want to learn more about these dogs before adopting any…

The Australian Cattle Dog, also known simply as a cattle dog, red or blue heeler, or Queensland heeler, is a dog breed that was selectively bred in Australia a long time ago. They are descended from dingoes. Heelers are known as perfect working dogs, with…

A cat’s whiskers are definitely part of its adorable overall appearance, but it can lose them for multiple reasons. This can be either perfectly normal or a big problem, depending on the specific cause. If you own a cat, you should be familiar with some…